The international Salute to Ghana, slated for May 2021 has been postponed to May 2022 due to the continuing effects of the global pandemic.
The honored country salute is designed to bring people and cultures from around the world together in Memphis for a mutually enriching and educational experience. Mounting such an event in May 2021 would present numerous difficulties, as international travel has been severely reduced, visa processing halted since March, and a host of other COVID19 concerns.
As it became clear the pandemic would persist into this year, officials worked in close consultation with the Embassy of Ghana in Washington, D.C. in determining how best to proceed. It was mutually agreed that May 2021 would simply be too difficult, and the salute should be moved to 2022. While this is not the first postponement of the event, which was earlier moved from 2020 to 2021, the effects of the pandemic is still ongoing. This decision was made with careful consideration and finalized at the January Board of Directors meeting.
“It is our desire to present a salute that embodies and fully captures the phenomenal culture and historical significance of Ghana. It is still our desire to share the essence of Ghana with Memphians. Unfortunately, the global pandemic has forced us to postpone the celebration, but we are looking forward to a fantastic salute in 2022” said Charles Ewing, Memphis in May International Festival Board Chair, “We’re grateful for the support and cooperation from officials with the Embassy of Ghana in Washington, D.C., the many government officials and ministries in Accra, Ghana, and all of our friends and partners in Ghana as we all work together through the unprecedented challenges of this global pandemic.”
Officials plan to reset the programming that was already in place before the pandemic and work with partners in Ghana to reschedule for May 2022, with hopes that COVID 19 will have a diminished impact allowing for a proper salute.
About Memphis in May
Memphis in May is a 501(c)3 nonprofit community-based organization whose mission is to promote and celebrate Memphis’ culture, foster economic growth, and enhance international awareness through education. Founded by racially diverse Memphians in 1977, racial equity and parity are embedded in the fiber and culture of Memphis in May, the official festival of the City of Memphis.
Recipient of 223 prestigious Pinnacle Awards from the International Festival and Events Association, it has been named to Travel+Leisure’s international list of Festivals Worth Traveling For, and in 2018, Memphis topped CNN Travel’s list of international destinations to visit in May because of Memphis in May events. Beale Street Music Festival was named by Oprah Magazine as one of “14 Festivals You Won’t Want to Miss in 2020.