Media Credentials
2025 WCBCC Media Kit
Media Credentials
We welcome media coverage at our events!
Credentials for the Memphis in May International Festival will be granted to reporters and photographers who are ON ASSIGNMENT and covering Memphis in May events for legitimate publications, websites/blogs and/or radio and television stations. Please note we do not provide credentials to broadcast on-air personalities unless there is a prior arranged broadcast scheduled on-site at the event.
Approval of Media Credentials is at the sole discretion of Memphis in May.
Please read the following criteria prior to submitting the Media Credential Request Form:
Credential requests must be submitted in advance – preference given to early submissions with appropriate status.
Deadlines are noted on the form, approximately one week prior to the start of the event.
Credential requests may not be granted on-site at the event.
We’d love to have you!!!

Confirmation of your approved press credentials will be sent via email, along with further instructions for retrieving your credential. If you have questions please email
Credentials will be approved based on the following criteria:
Publication, Station or Media Outlet affiliation.
Assignment by a legitimate media outlet to cover the festival. Credentials will be issued to those on assignment only. Bloggers and social media influencers with a substantial following and verifiable history will be considered. If you have an interest, please feel free to apply and let us know!
Family members or guests will not be considered for credentials (include assignment request on company letterhead or from legitimate email stating scope of work).
All photographers and videographers must agree to the Memphis in May standard photo release and sign the form before receiving a photo-specific credential.
Our press team will notify photographers at the festival of any further restrictions or modifications, and occasionally additional photography release forms must be signed by photographers before extended access is granted. Photographers who are granted a media credential and photo pass must agree to abide by all festival policies and understand that policies are subject to change.
DRONE USE – Not allowed
Per the Memphis Police Department and the Shelby County Sherriff, Memphis in May is the only organization granted permission to fly a drone during the festival. All other drones and operators will be immediately removed from the park.
If you have a question, please email us at