Not only do Philadelphia’s The Roots stand as one of the most influential groups in hip-hop history, they are also among the most important musicians of their generation, regardless of genre. Perhaps most notable for being the first major hip-hop group to utilize live instrumentation, the Roots first launched into the public consciousness with their major-label debut Do You Want More?!!!??!, a statement of purpose that won over fans of hip-hop, jazz, and rock alike. In the ensuing years, they earned a reputation as being among the most progressive acts in contemporary music, as well as one of the most dynamic live shows on earth. Led by the dynamic duo of rapper Black Thought and drummer Questlove, the Roots have delivered countless classic albums and timeless hits over the years. In addition to their own music, the Grammy-winning group also serves as the house band on NBC’s The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon.

Performance Details:
Bud Light Stage
Bud Light Stage
- Date: May 6, 2023
- Time: 10:00 pm