Bringing Malaysia to Memphis Classrooms in 2023
Education Competitions encourage creativity and learning about the honored country among Memphis-area students. Competitions are open to students within the Shelby County schools, private schools and home schools. Categories include PowerPoint & Multimedia, Creative Writing, Graphic Design and International Poster. While each of Memphis in May’s educational competitions are judged on differing criteria, every Memphis in May competition encourages a show of creativity and demonstrated knowledge of the honored country. Competitions are geared to specific age groups and grade levels, with involvement opportunities available for all grades.
Children’s Poster Competition
Entry must be submitted by 6:00 p.m. on Thursday, April 6, 2023
Grades K – 6
This competition promotes design creativity and allows students to incorporate what they have learned about the Malaysia through overall presentation, graphic design, and written word. This competition promotes the creative artistry of students in grades K – 6. Patterned after Memphis in May’s Fine Arts Poster Program, the student’s work must depict some aspect of the honored country through the medium of drawing and coloring. One student will become the Grand Prize winner and their work depicting Malaysia, its beauty, and its culture will then be printed and sold by Memphis in May as the 2023 Children’s Poster. First, second, and third prize winners will also be recognized in various grade divisions. All artwork must be designed and executed by the student. Artwork must be accompanied by a Memphis in May entry form with information typed or printed. The form should be securely attached to the back of the artwork. Incomplete information will disqualify the entry.
Each entry must be submitted with a completed Children’s Poster Competition entry form. Click here to access the entry form.
For more information, email us at Education@MemphisInMay.org.
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Multimedia/PowerPoint Competition
Entry must be submitted by 6:00 p.m. on Thursday, April 6, 2023
Grades 6 – 12
This competition promotes design creativity and allows students to incorporate what they have learned about Malaysia through overall presentation, graphic design, and written word. Students have a chance to create unique presentations illustrating the honored country’s history, geography, people, language, food, art, music and dance. This competition is a wonderful tool to get students acquainted with Multimedia/PowerPoint, an important program in the business world. As an additional activity, teachers may also opt to have students present in front of the class, giving them valuable practice in communication skills, all while exposing them to international history and culture. This competition is open to all high school students attending public, private, or home school within the Shelby County area. First, second, and third place prizes will be awarded.
Each entry must be submitted with a completed Multimedia Contest entry form. Click here to access the entry form.
For more information, email us at Education@MemphisInMay.org.
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Memphis Creative Writing Contest
Entry must be submitted by 6:00 p.m. on Thursday, April 6, 2023
Grades 4 – 12
The Creative Writing Contest promotes literary creativity and allows students to incorporate what they have learned about the Memphis in May honored country through the written word. Creative Writing Contest entries can include any type of literary work, fiction or non- fiction, including but not limited to poems, essays, short stories, plays, narratives, scripts and biographies. First, second and third place winners will be chosen in three grade categories (Upper Elementary – 4th & 5th grades, Middle – 6th – 8th grades, High – 9th 12th grades). The competition is open to students attending any public, private or home school within the Shelby County area. Each entry must be submitted with a completed Creative Writing Contest entry form (typed or printed only).
Each entry must be submitted with a completed Creative Writing Contest entry form. Click here to access the entry form.
For more information, email us at Education@MemphisInMay.org.
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Graphic Design Competition
Entry must be submitted by 6:00 p.m. on Thursday, April 6, 2023
Grades 7-12
This competition promotes the creative artistry of students in grades 7 –12. Patterned after Memphis in May’s Fine Arts Poster Program, the student’s work must depict some aspect of the honored country through the medium of graphic design. First, second and third prize winners will be recognized in various grade divisions. All artwork must be designed and executed by the student.
Each entry must be submitted with a completed Graphic Design Contest entry form. Click here to access the entry form.
For more information, email us at Education@MemphisInMay.org.
World Cargo Crate Photo Contest
Entry must be submitted by 6:00 p.m. on Friday, May 13, 2023
The Valero World Cargo Crate Photo Contest encourages teachers to use their cameras to capture special moments in their classrooms. The photographic entries portray special “learning moments” between the students, their teachers, and the unique items from the honored country. As most of these items are foreign to the students, their reactions of interest, surprise, and curiosity are clearly visible in the photos. The winning teacher receives a Memphis in May prize package for their classroom and the privilege of being the first to reserve the World Cargo Crate for the upcoming school year. The winning teachers and students also get to see their pictures displayed on the Memphis in May website as “the face” of the World Cargo Crate for the next year. Up to 5 photos may be submitted per entry, along with the teacher’s name and title, school name, school address, school phone number, and teacher’s email address.
Each entry must be submitted with a completed – WCC Photo Contest entry form. One entry of a maximum of five photos is allowed per teacher/classroom. Click here to access the entry form.
For more information, email us at Education@MemphisInMay.org.
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International Teacher Competition
Entry must be submitted by 5:00 p.m. on Friday, May 5, 2023
Teacher Competition / Grades K-12
Now teachers have the chance to win alongside their students! Whether you always celebrate the honored country with Memphis in May, or whether you are considering incorporating Memphis in May into your classroom for the first time, this competition is for you. Memphis in May will recognize the teachers with the most outstanding “global classrooms,” teachers who utilize international programming to supplement their curriculum and introduce a foreign culture to their students.
Sign up for and participate in one or more of Memphis in May’s education programs and events, complying with all the guidelines for that program. Participate in as many of the programs and events as possible to increase the international appeal of your classroom. Entries will not be judged solely on the quantity of Memphis in May activities, but rather the main criteria will be the educational impact, creative use of curriculum, and quality of the learning and educational activities in the classroom.
“International Teacher” Grand prize: One teacher will receive $1,000 cash prize. Click here to access the entry form and read information about the criteria and rules.
For more information, email us at Education@MemphisInMay.org.
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Questions about Our Competitions?
For questions or information about any of our International Education Competitions, please email education@memphisinmay.org.